Writing and Publications
Long Fiction
2001 Getting to Normal Stoddart, Toronto. In Dutch translation, Bzztoh Inc, Amsterdam, Holland. Award: NOWToronto, Best Books of 2001
1973, The Movable Airport, A Case Study in Community Action, A.M.Hakkert, Toronto, Nominee, City of Toronto Book Award
Short Fiction:
2017 Constable Tobin and the Sow, Wintergreen Press, Yarker, ON.
2016 If Someone Asks Where Does he Live, Rusty Toque, Issue 10, June 30, 2016
2016 First Time, Rusty Toque, Issue 10, June 30, 2016
2009 Sound Seduction, Academic Matters, Journal of Higher Education, January 19, Toronto.
2000 Irma, (1863 words) The Citizen’s Weekly, February 27, 2000
Personal Narrative:
2016 Soon, you too will be silent, the poet says, published in Sound Me When I"m Done, Lorna Crozier, editor, Wintergreen Press, Yarker,ON
2015 After Dinner I Tried to Do Something, published in Momma's Prayer Flags, Lorna Crozier editor, Wintergreen Studios Press, Yarker ON
2009 Conspiracy, (5,040 words) Grain Magazine: Winner 2008 Long Grain of Truth.
2007, What the Photographer Didn’t See (4,834 words), published in, My Wedding Dress: True-Life Tales of Lace, Laughter, Tears and Tulle,
edited by Wheelhan, S and Carter, A.L. Knopf/Vintage Canada, Toronto.
2004 And Then I Was Home, (3786 words) Grain Magazine, WinterEssays
2007 About Teaching and Learning at New Outlook,(564 words) The Armadillo, Descant Arts and Letters Foundation. Toronto, Canada
2002–2005: Espritpublications. Online publication. Author of 9 essays. Founding board member, co-editor of nine editions comprising 54 essays
2004 Mapping a Social Practice (3257 words), published in Learning Toward an Ecological Consciousness: Selected Transformative Practices
edited by O'Sullivan, E and Taylor, M. Palgrave MacMillan, San Francisco, CA
1996 The Gift of Change, (2047 words) Why Magazine, Toronto, Fall Edition
1994 Creating Redemptive Imagery: A Challenge of Resistance and Creativity (3657 words) published in Transforming a Rape Culture, Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis Mn
1992 Creating Redemptive Imagery: The Challenge to Artists (1546 words) ACTRA-Scope, v.20,3
2016 Earth-Worming, Fieldnotes/MSH and Gesture Press.Toronto, Canada
2007 About Teaching and Learning at New Outlook, (564 words) The Armadillo, Descant Arts and Letters Foundation. Toronto, Canada
2004 Mapping a Social Practice (3257 words), in Learning Toward an Ecological Consciousness: Selected Transformative Practices, O'Sullivan, E and Taylor, M. Palgrave MacMillan, San Francisco, CA
1996 The Gift of Change, (2047 words) Why Magazine, Toronto, Fall Edition
1994 Creating Redemptive Imagery: A Challenge of Resistance and Creativity (3657 words) published in Transforming a Rape Culture, Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis Mn.
1992 Creating Redemptive Imagery: The Challenge to Artists (1546 words) ACTRA-Scope, v.20, 3
2016: Writer/Director: Harvest: A Celebration of the Pickering Lands, Producer, AbundanceGTA, Toronto, Canada, 8 minutes.
2007 Writer/Story Consultant: Beyond Laughter, Producer, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 23 minutes.
1994 Writer/Director:The Spiral Garden, An Innovation in Rehabilitation, Producer, The Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre. Toronto, Canada, 21 minutes.
2008 Winner, Grain Magazine Writing Contest (Creative Non-Fiction)
2006 Canada Council: Creative Writing Grant
2001 Author: Harbourfront Reading Series
1999 Finalist: Robertson Davies/Chapters First (Unpublished) Novel
2010-2012, Ontario Representative, The Writers' Union of Canada
2012 and 2008, Juror: Saskatchewan Book Awards