About Sound
Eyes have eyelids that do what they’re told. Close them and you’ll not see; but ears are different. Fleshy funnels without a lid, your ears capture vibrating air, travelling in waves. Moving inwards, they stir three tiny bones then ripple through a spiral of tiny hairs and liquid to rouse the auditory nerve, highway to the right brain, seat of emotions. And that’s just the beginning.
The vibrations resonate in the heart, you’re powerless to stop them. They can enlarge it, set your feet dancing, become like an umbilical cord linking you, one to another. Ah yes, music, you say, sunshine brightening your voice. Like when you were little, your big sister sat on her bed and blew air through the small square holes of her harmonica. That air dissolved the walls of your separate bedrooms, anchored you in the belief of the indissolubility of the blood-hypen between you, rocked you into the deepest of sleeps
But hold on, that’s not the whole story. There are other vibrations-heart shrinkers that fracture focus, rupture connections. Noise, you shout as if naming these invaders gives you back your power.
The vibrations resonate in the heart, you’re powerless to stop them. They can enlarge it, set your feet dancing, become like an umbilical cord linking you, one to another. Ah yes, music, you say, sunshine brightening your voice. Like when you were little, your big sister sat on her bed and blew air through the small square holes of her harmonica. That air dissolved the walls of your separate bedrooms, anchored you in the belief of the indissolubility of the blood-hypen between you, rocked you into the deepest of sleeps
But hold on, that’s not the whole story. There are other vibrations-heart shrinkers that fracture focus, rupture connections. Noise, you shout as if naming these invaders gives you back your power.
Question: What’s silence?
Answer: Absence of noise.
Question: Are you ever silent?
Answer: Not yet. There’s the breath: In out, in out.
Question: Are you too old to be afraid of silence?
Answer: No, still too young not to fear it.
Question: What’s makes a silence painful
Answer: The silence after you ask: do you love me?